Pie in the Sky Projects

Monday, August 4, 2014

What Ifs...

Everybody likes to day dream.  I like to daydream about projects, contraptions, airships (as you may have noticed) and other wondrous Steampunk things. Now daydreams are OK as a way to spend an idle few minutes waiting for a bus or waiting for a kettle to boil or something, but sometimes they can lead to projects that might actually be interesting or at least entertaining to actually create.

Between the pure fantasy daydream, and the detailed planning for a real project, lies the wonderland that I like to call "Pie In the Sky" projects. These are projects that get fleshed out a bit further than a pure daydream but don't fall prey to the issues that reality imposes if you actually want to turn them into real things.

For my first Pie In the Sky I present to you an Airship Gondola!

The idea here is to modify a motorhome, to become the gondola / control car of a personal airship.
Perhaps a small version of the one I have been designing in my Practical Airship Design Series.

By not having to worry about the pesky details of building and flying a real Airship, my project would be to just build the control car and drive it to events as if it was flying there!

We would start with something like one of these Airstream Motorhomes:

Inside though we would make it look like it belonged to the Airship of our imagination, with flight controls and cabins, even an engineering and communications station.

Once someone stepped aboard I want them to think they could be suspended beneath the massive envelope of an Airship. One that has just touched down from some exotic adventures amongst the clouds.

With the passengers and crew suitably attired we could travel the by ways and have all sorts of adventures while never leaving the safety of the ground!

I was partly inspired by that amazing Victorian fantasy "The Never Was Haul"

Oh the wondrous Pie In the Sky projects!

Keep your sightglass full your firebox trimmed and your water iced.


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